Labyrinth Phassions and Costumes

Labyrinth Phassion and Costumes is a celebration of adornment.

Labyrinth clothing is a collision of cultures and eras. The designs rise from the roots of ancient cultures and descend from the landscape of the divine. With the androgyne in mind and the spirit to guide, we are aiming to replace limited images and views about clothing with a new outlook. One based not upon the latest look, but upon a world of our own making. Our interest is in providing people with an opportunity to discover lost aspects of culture through the daily ritual of adornment.

(Click on any of the graphics to download a larger image, ~80k each)

The pathway of the Labyrinth is a journey to the center/ the source/ the soul and a return/rebirth into life with our new forms, knowledge, and outlook. We walk the labyrinth to invite our soul to participate in the unfolding of our lives.

Enter the Labyrinth and let your sense be your guide.

Clothe the spirit and release yourself into a world of newfound emotion and limitless creation.

Labyrinth regularly stages phassion shows at various venues around San Francisco. Labyrinth Phassion shows are a celebration of the ecstasy and transformation found in costume and dance: a ritual of acknowledging each person's individual beauty and unique interpretation of playfulness and interaction. By exploring the emotional resonances of the moment, we feel we are taking fashion shows a step further by infusing them with passion, thereby creating phassion performance art.


Backstage sf/Telecircus